
The alfapump® system is not currently approved in the United States or Canada. In the United States and Canada, the alfapump® system is currently under clinical investigation (POSEIDON Study) and is being studied in adult patients with refractory or recurrent ascites due to cirrhosis. For more information regarding the POSEIDON clinical study see www.poseidonstudy.com.
The DSR therapy is still in development and it should be noted that any statements regarding safety and efficacy arise from ongoing pre-clinical and clinical investigations which have yet to be completed.
The DSR therapy is not currently approved for clinical research in the United States or Canada. There is no link between the DSR therapy and ongoing investigations with the alfapump® system in Europe.

Demonstrating the impact of alfapump® therapy

Through our ongoing development work and close collaboration with clinicians, we continue to grow the body of evidence of our alfapump® platform, as shown by the multiple peer-reviewed journal publications.

Physician interviews

Leading physicians talk about their experience with the alfapump®.

Patient stories

Patients that have been implanted with the alfapump® report about their significant improvement in their daily life.